Will Smith vs Chris Rock – how did the famous fight at the Oscars gala end?

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We can be sure that this year’s Academy Awards gala will go down in history. The eyes of the world were on Will Smith, who slapped comedian Chris Rock when he made an unsavory joke about his wife’s illness. What happened next?

After Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s wife suffering from alopecia areata, the actor stormed the stage and slapped the comedian, hurling a barrage of abuse at him. While the whole situation made the audience laugh at first, it was realized after a while that it was not part of the show.

Apology and statement on Instagram

After the incident, the actor apologized to the audience for his behavior, but did not directly address Rock. It was only a few days later that Smith released a statement on his Instagram apologizing to the comedian and acknowledging that his behavior was unacceptable.

main photo: pexels.com/Engin Akyurt

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